Wednesday, February 08, 2017

An Entirely Understandable Position

Removing all government restraint on commerce would of course benefit quite a few people.  Not just the "one-percenters" but those who are connected to them economically and strive to join their club.  And more broadly there are those who would not directly benefit but object to handcuffing the invisible hand of capitalism on principle.

This is a rational position to take, as it would no doubt create exactly the kind of economic environment in which cut-throat capitalism flourishes.

But lets assume you're not already a one-percenter or can touch one with a stick.  For the actual People, it is not such a beautiful win-win idea.

When one considers the cost of doing business, the calculus is not so simple.  The resources.  The waste.  The poverty.  The knowledge that there is no safe harbor.  That there is no such thing as living in peace.  Every day must be a life and death struggle.  Every moment is a moment lost.

This is not what the People want.  I do not speak for them.  They will speak for themselves.


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